In the last few articles we saw how to make our Phoenix chat app distributed; at the beginning with Redis, and after with distributed Elixir connecting the nodes together.
We had just one problem; we had to manually connect to the nodes in the IEX console. This is an issue in production. In this video we will see how to automatically cluster the Phoenix chat nodes using the libcluster library locally, and on a Kubernetes cluster with a dynamic number of nodes.
Let’s download that first code of the Phoenix chat example from my github account, poeticoding, and let’s use the pubsub_pg2 branch. Let’s clone the code, and check out to the pubsub_pg2 branch.
$ git clone
$ cd phoenix_chat_example
$ git co pubsub_pg2
$ mix deps.get
Let’s download the dependencies, and try to run it locally so we can pass the port as an environment variable, so the first node at the port 4000
. We give a name, first node A
. And we start another Phoenix server, node B
, and port 4001
# Node A
$ PORT=4000 iex --sname a -S mix phx.server
# Node B
$ PORT=4001 iex --sname b -S mix phx.server
Okay, great. Let’s now connect the node A
to B
. And we see that, this needs to be connected correctly. Let’s try the chat app with the two browsers.
iex(a@mbp)> Node.connect :b@mbp
iex(b@mbp)> Node.list
So, let’s connect with one tab to 4000
(node A), and the other tab with 4001
(node B). We see that the messages are propagated correctly.
We had to manually connect the nodes using the connect/1
function in the Node
module. Let’s see how to use libcluster
to automatically connect the nodes.
So at first, we need to add the libcluster library as a dependency.
# mix.exs
defp deps do
{:libcluster, "~> 3.0"}
# lib/chat.ex
defmodule Chat do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
topologies = [
chat: [
strategy: Cluster.Strategy.Gossip
children = [
{Cluster.Supervisor, [topologies, [name: Chat.ClusterSupervisor]]},
supervisor(Chat.Endpoint, [])
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Chat.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
We then need to start a Cluster.Supervisor
, which is part of the libcluster
library, with some topologies
. We use the Gossip
strategy, which uses multicast UDP to gossip node names to other nodes in the network.
# Node A
$ PORT=4000 iex --sname a -S mix phx.server
# Node B
$ PORT=4001 iex --sname b -S mix phx.server
# Node C
$ PORT=4002 iex --sname c -S mix phx.server

Great, and it should work straight away. So as before we start one node, the A
node on port 4000
, and the node B on port 4001
. And you see that the node A is now connected to node B and vice versa. Node list. We see that we didn’t have to connect them manually. The same if I add another node, named C
, on port 4002
. They will connect automatically.
Let’s now see how to deploy this distributed application on Kubernetes, and making the clustering of the nodes, of the Elixir nodes, automatic with libcluster.

We are going to deploy multiple chat nodes on my Kubernetes local setup. But what I’m going to show you could work without any radical change on any cloud provider. We’re going to deploy our chat nodes with Kubernetes deployment and we will connect them automatically together thanks to libcluster, and something called the Kubernetes headless service, which we’ll see in a moment. We will then create a load balancer, which will spread the connections from different browsers to different chat nodes.
So, what is a headless service? I’ve put this file, Nginx kube test. You can find all this code under the libcluster branch. So, let’s try to see with a simple Nginx deployment, what is a headless service.
# nginx_kube_test.yaml
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: nginx-nodes
namespace: default
clusterIP: None
app: nginx
- name: http
port: 80
It’s a service, but we specify clusterIP: None
, and the DNS will be nginx- nodes, under the default
namespace. And the port, in this case, is going to target port is 80
This is just an Nginx deployment with 4 replicas. Let’s create the service and the deployment.
$ kubectl apply -f nginx_kube_test.yaml
We then start an ubuntu
container installing dnsutils
and curl
$ kubectl run bash --rm -it --image ubuntu --bash
# apt-get update && apt-get install dnsutils curl -y
# nslookup nginx-nodes
We see that using this DNS we are able to list all the nginx nodes. If we scale out adding more replicas, we see launching again nslookup nginx-nodes
that the new nodes are all present in the list.
Let’s start changing the topology. So we now use the Elixir.Cluster.Kubernetes.DNS strategy
, which will use the headless service we’re going to create.
# lib/chat.ex
topologies = [
k8s_chat: [
strategy: Elixir.Cluster.Strategy.Kubernetes.DNS,
config: [
service: "chat-nodes",
application_name: "chat"
# web/controllers/page_controller.ex
defmodule Chat.PageController do
use Chat.Web, :controller
def index(conn, _params) do
self_node = inspect(node())
nodes = inspect(Node.list())
render(conn, "index.html", %{node: self_node, nodes: nodes})
# web/templates/page/index.html.eex
<p>nodes: <%=@nodes%></p>
<p>self: <%=@node%></p>
<div id="messages" class="container">
So the application now is ready. We need to build a Docker image. But before building the Docker image, we’re gonna see first the headless service Kubernetes file.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: chat-nodes
namespace: default
clusterIP: None
app: chat
- name: epmd
port: 4369
We expose the EPMD and the DNS is chat-nodes
. We also create a chat load balancer.
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: chat
namespace: default
type: LoadBalancer
app: chat
- name: http
port: 8000
targetPort: 4000
Let’s see the deployment.
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
name: chat
namespace: default
replicas: 4
app: chat
app: chat
- name: phoenix-chat
image: chat:libcluster #alvises/phoenix-chat-example:libcluster-kube
- containerPort: 4000
- name: PORT
value: "4000"
value: "localhost"
value: "secret"
- name: MY_POD_IP
fieldPath: status.podIP
command: ["elixir"]
args: [
We’re going at first, to create 4 replicas. We are going to build our image but you can use the image I’ve published on DockerHub: alvises/phoenix-chat-example:libcluster-kube.
The exposed container port is 4000
, we need also to set the same Erlang cookie in each node (in production better to use Kubernetes Secrets).
The important part is the environment variable MY_POD_IP
. We define an environment variable, where we set the IP of each node. We then use this variable when we start the server specifying the node name and cookie
elixir --name chat@$(MY_POD_IP) --cookie $(ERLANG_COOKIE) --no-halt -S mix phx.server
To build the Docker image is pretty simple.
$ docker image build -t chat:libcluster .
Let’s create the chat deployment and services in Kubernetes
$ kubectl create -f kube_chat_deploy_and_svc.yaml
We then connect to the load-balancer to our local port 8000
. We see the node list and that the nodes automatically connect. If we add new replicas and we will see almost immediately the new nodes under the node list.
Wrap up
We saw how easy it is with libcluster
to connect the nodes together and deploy, also on Kubernetes, distributed Phoenix chat application.
If you have a question or something wasn’t clear, please post a comment in the comment section below, and subscribe to be updated with new articles and screencasts. See you next week!
GitHub: libcluster
GitHub: poeticoding/phoenix_chat_example
DockerHub: alvises/phoenix-chat-example
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